Slow & Steady
6 week online yoga series ​
Uncover the true powers of your mind through yoga practices & philosophies.​
"The state of yoga occurs when identification with the waves of the mind dissolves and consciousness knows it's infinity"
Yoga Sutra 1.2
This series is for you if you're ready to
Learn about the roots of yoga​​
Align with your greatest values & desires
Change the way you think & feel about yourself & the world
Replace negative thought patterns with more loving and supportive ones
Access deep inner peace & Self awareness
Rewrite your story & rejoice with clearer vision
What's included..​
Weekly live gatherings on zoom every Tuesday 7-8:30pm EST
Seven themed classes & PDF notes provided
Access to unlimited online yoga class schedule
Community & continued support
See the weekly themes below...

Week One
8 Limbs of Yoga
Learn & integrate Patanjalis 8 limbs of yoga.​
Approach your life with clear intention & morals
Dive deep into the practice & understanding of each limb
Create Self discipline & unlock Self Love
Week Two
Yoga Sutras​
Learn Yoga philosophies for greater Self understanding
Introduction to the Yoga Sutras (threads) of knowledge
Connect with the deeper wisdom of the roots of yoga
Uncover new perspectives & ancient understandings of life's experiences

Week Three
Yoga Nidra
Explore consciousness & deep rest​
Learn about the benefits of yoga nidra
Access the subconscious mind
Reprorgam old beliefs with new, more positive mindsets
Week Four
Chakra Alignement​
Connect with your energy centres​
Balance & align your energy centres
Learn about the Chakras
Clear stuck energy

Week Five
Mantra & Mudra
Sacred chants & hand gestures for healing
Learn Sanskrit mantra for magical healing potential
Self vibrational sound healing
Devotion to a higher source
Connect deeply with your heart
Week Six
Rewrite yourSelf
Journaling for powerful shifts
Explore journaling & visualization techniques
Write your truth, the power of our word
Uncover your true values & desires