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Hi, I'm Natalie

Throughout my life, I felt there was something missing. 

I spent many years in dislike with myself. Always looking outwardly for advice, acceptance, and love. I self abandoned like a super star! The partying, escaping, drugs, alcohol, relationships to fill the void of love I felt deep within. I knew I had to change. 


I sought therapy, self-help books, Reiki, healing foods, naturopathy, meditation and many wellness and energy healing practices.


Although I had been dabbling in yoga on and off for a number of years, it wasn't until I went through a breakup in 2017 that lead me to take solace on my mat.

The healing journey continues

Slowly, class by class, I witnessed myself coming undone with each practice.  Showing myself tenderness and commitment opened a whole new world for me. The walls I built to protect myself naturally started to soften, leaving me in tears and my heart beginning to crack open. This deep surrender lead me to enrol in a 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training with Power Yoga Canada in 2018, and I've been in the teaching and learning ever since.


I have been deep in learning from my shadows, and finding compassion for myself. I no longer spend time with people that aren't meant for me, I have very strong and loving relationships in my life and I am fully aware of my own thoughts, feelings, words and actions. While I still have down days, I have a greater awareness and ability to bring myself to learn and grow from the challenges.


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it”



The souls path

As I continue to expand and explore parts of myself to be heard, felt and honoured, I am every grateful for the deeper connection I now have with myself and my self care. 


It has been an absolute honour to bear witness and hold space for so many to come and find themselves, be themselves and love themselves. My passion is to offer what I have gathered in my life to support you fully in yours so that you may not feel so alone or misunderstood.


It hasn't always been easy, but I am so grateful for this path. I believe we are here to experience the lessons so we can become closer to the truth of who we really are.  Suffering is necessary to find your way closer to love and to feel the light. We have to take the journey within so we can Keepexpanding.


My expansion journey

Lifewatchers - Goodness Me

Integrated Conscious Enlightenment & Numerology - Tashene Wolfe

Achieving your Goals - Best Life Coaching Society

200 hr Yoga Teacher - Power Yoga Canada

Yin Yoga Certificate - Power Yoga Canada

Yoga Nidra Certificate - Taryn Diamond

Hands on Assisting - Soulfire Yoga

Reiki Level 1 & 2- Louise Gilbert / Therese DeGrace

Auqualead Level 1 - Therese DeGrace

Sea Kayak Skills Level 1 - Ontario Sea Kayaking 

Build Your Passion - Shawna Thibodeau

Wheel of the Year - Emily Moran

Learning Mediumship - Laurie Oakes

Pulling at Threads - Yoga Sutra w Taryn Diamond

Intuitive Entrepreneur - Emily Moran 


Over 1000 hours of teaching experience including leading retreats!

"What you seek, also seeks you"

- Rumi


Work with me

I am here to support you on your unique path

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